
1 + 1 = 3

No updates to this blog in a while I’m afraid, things have just been far too busy to have had anything interesting (read geeky) to write about. That said, I am indulging and making this post purely to show off. On Monday 25th May at 8:37am, after a rather long day/night, Mel and I welcomed Spencer Bailey Stewart […]

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Election season

So it seems that there’s quite the election ‘fever’ (yay sportsfans!) going around at the moment. Obviously the US election has had the bulk of the limelight and I have to admit to having followed it far too closely since late last year (Along with my election buddy, Soporific Frog. Thanks for the memories). Somewhat less grand (yet […]

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“Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If […]

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random book content

As suggested by Stewart Smith: Grab the nearest book. Open it to page 56. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST. Result: “The first step is achieved through effective marketing” from Systems […]

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Word games

Yesterday I was reading the Wikipedia article entitled “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo” which is a fantastic example of why our language is so utterly confusing and if nothing, a rather amusing read. The problem was though, that I think my brain somehow couldn’t shake the idea of these ‘homophonous phrases’ (See Wikipeadia) and I […]

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GRUB settings for dual boot

This is purely for my own personal reference as its a bugger of a thing to find a solution to when you have the problem. The issue I had was with GRUB dual booting linux + windows (+OSX), which should never be difficult. The problem came about apparently because linux is on the primary drive while Windows the […]

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Minor Updates

I rememberd I had two other things to say about the Mighty Mouse. 1) (And I realise this is a more generic OS X mouse thing) I CANNOT set the sensitivity of my mouse high enough in OS X! This drives me nuts. Its so close but not quite as fast as I have under Windows or Linux! […]

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a whinge

I know I don’t use this blog much but, well, its week 13 and I WANT TO WHINGE! I’m sick to death of crappy software that doesn’t do what it claims to do! Software that just does not make any logical sense! This is promising software, it just hasn’t been thought out all the way through. I think […]

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A new beginning

So many people claim to have new beginnings so I’d like to make it very clear from the start that this is nothing more than a pseudo beginning. There’s really nothing new about it. I bought a new home in the real world, I bought a new home in the online world. I’m just moving into this one […]

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