Well as promised I’ve produced a second demo screencast for Gloss. It doesn’t contain everything I’d wanted to get in it as many of these features simply haven’t been finished. I’ve been struggling a lot with gstreamer and bending it to my will. This is shown by the simple fact that the videos shown in the screencast are […]
More Gloss
Well things have been progressing on the Gloss front, not with massive steps, but constant. I’m hoping to have a second webcast up later this week that will demo the new features such as Live TV and DVD watching. Gloss has also been given a more permanent home on Google Code. It can be found at http://code.google.com/p/gloss-mc/ and […]
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Introducing Gloss
Well its been a while between updates, things have been out of control busy (You know, getting engaged and all), but I have been keeping busy. A little while ago I discovered the Clutter project which is a OpenGl accelerated 2D framework for linux and decided that I’d have a crack at producing something with it. Seeing that […]
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